One of the additional exciting features, provided to 4shared users. You need a lot of storage place?
You upgraded to Premium? Got 100 GB of storage place? Still need more? We have a solution: compress
files online!
Why is this feature is so beneficial?
You can:
zip files directly within the account;
zip several files;
economize your storage place;
save your time;
makes files transportable;
e-mail zipped files;
send links for downloading of your zips;
download zipped files to your PC.
There’s no need to use any additional software to zip your files. The only thing needed is to choose
the relative option from the menu in your account at 4shared, and any desirable file of yours will be
zipped. The size of initial files can be decreased considerably.
Chuyện kể thực tế :
Leo, 27 “
Zipping files online is a really great feature. I often send links to necessary zipped
files to my friends. It is a great advantage that they don’t have to download enormous files
or each file separately and can download from 4shared or view everything they need online.”
Michel, 50 “
That’s super great that I can e-mail large files to my friends just in click. 4shared is awesome!”