1. Save storage space
4shared allows its users to zip their files online for more effective usage of storage space and better
transferability of files.
2. Zip files at 4shared
If you want to download your file quicker, or your device doesn’t have much storage space, you can zip
file before downloading and save your space.
3. Multiple zip
Sometimes, you need to zip more than one file into single zip file. Create multiple zip automatically
and very quickly. Save your time and efforts.
4. Zip different types of files
You can easily zip different files, even if they have different filetypes, online at 4shared.
5. E-mail zipfiles
4shared uses can send e-mails with zipped files to their friends. Zipped files can be easier downloaded by their friends.
Leo, 27 “
Zipping files online is a really great feature. I often send links to necessary zipped
files to my friends. It is a great advantage that they don’t have to download enormous files
or each file separately and can download from 4shared or view everything they need online.”
Michel, 50 “
That’s super great that I can e-mail large files to my friends just in click. 4shared is awesome!”