You use a lot of archives while working? Tiered to unzip each file just for one line of information?
You want to save your time? 4shared will release you.
Unzipping files online often requires additional software. Downloading seems inevitable. For example
your colleague shared with you a big archive. Instead of downloading the whole archive you can just select
the files from the archive and open them.
4shared saves your time because you can:
Forget about boring unzipping zip files.
Easily view files in separate windows.
Work with archives immediately.
This feature eases users’ work with archived files at 4shared account. You don’t need to install any
applications to retrieve the content of a zip file online, because it is available in a preview mode as
any other file. Moreover, you can view zipped file in separate windows. Due to this, users are provided
with a detailed list of files, which are inside of a zipped folder.
Our handy preview tool will allow you to preview any documents. you can be sure, that you have just
the best zipped files at your account and, of course, know their content before downloading.
Témoignages :
Jake, 22 “
I’ve always wanted to manage my time as much, as possible, especially working online. Different
life-facilitating 4shared features, like direct downloading and preview of zip files are
right for me. These features are awesome, don’t you think so?”
Gregory, 43 “
It was annoying, when I had to download files just to view their content and then delete
most of them, because they didn’t suit me. With 4shared, I can check, whether I need them
and then download only those files, I really need.”