1. Extract zip file online
4shared Premium users are able to view content of their archived files without unzipping them. Users
can view the content of zipped files by opening them online.
2. View files separatedly
4shared allows its users to extract zipped files online. Moreover, they can view the unzipped files in
separate windows.
3. Ease your work! Open zip files online
Unzipping files online saves your time and simplifies the work. 4shared users don’t need to download
files to extract necessary ones.
: توصیه ها
Jake, 22 “
I’ve always wanted to manage my time as much, as possible, especially working online. Different
life-facilitating 4shared features, like direct downloading and preview of zip files are
right for me. These features are awesome, don’t you think so?”
Gregory, 43 “
It was annoying, when I had to download files just to view their content and then delete
most of them, because they didn’t suit me. With 4shared, I can check, whether I need them
and then download only those files, I really need.”