You can share files on Linux OS as on any other. Use the “share” button or link buttons which share
your files to social networks. You also can share your file with different messages or e-mails.
How to work with 4shared desktop desktop application for Windows?
Download 4shared desktop application for Windows;
Enter your 4shared login and password and work with this desktop as with regular 4shared account.
How to work with 4shared desktop application for Linux?
4shared desktop application for Linux works as easy as 4shared desktop application for
Windows or Mac. Download this application on Linux and work with your 4shared account without opening a browser.
Monica, 34 “
I was used to working on Windows and I had a 4shared desktop installed there. Once I decided
to change Windows to Linux and hopefully found that 4shared desktop duly works there.”
Emily, 23 “
4shared compatibility with different operating systems is a real advantage. I can work with
4shared easily from different computers with different operating systems.”