1. Use Linux
4shared works accurately on Linux OS. Its compatibility was tested by 4shared experts and users. Moreover,
4shared offers applications for Linux, which are supported by this OS. All 4shared applications work properly.
2. Use Windows
4shared works accurately on Windows. All applications work properly. There is no need to change your operating system.
3. Use Mac OS
4shared works accurately on Mac OS. All applications work properly. There is no need to change your operating system.
4. Useful desktops
4shared provides its users with special desktops and applications, which can facilitate the users’ work
with every operating system. Both the app for Windows and the applications for other operating systems, work deftly.
Monica, 34 “
I was used to working on Windows and I had a 4shared desktop installed there. Once I decided
to change Windows to Linux and hopefully found that 4share desktop duly works there.”
Emily, 23 “
4shared compatibility with different operating systems is a real advantage. I can work with
4shared easily from different computers with different operating systems.”