free users (it economizes free space and traffic);
for those who don’t want to download (it’s quicker to watch it online than to download);
those who work with 4shared from mobile phones (watch videos at instantly).
4shared users can also upload free movie videos. And this videos could be easily watched online by other
users later. 4shared is a nice place to watch movies online. Users also can upload videos to 4shared to
promote them or if they want to share an interesting film with their friends. Watching videos online
is also a convenient thing if you’re going on a vacation or a long trip and don’t want to take laptop
with you. Having all movies on your account you can download one or two which you want to watch to your
phone, watch them and then delete or watch those movies online!
Emily, 19 “
I always stream video at 4shared before downloading to check its quality.”
Kate, 22 “
I’m a free user at 4shared, that’s why always watch video online to economize time for downloading.”