Share files with your friends on Facebook, Orkut or Twitter just in a click with 4shared! Link your 4shared
account with your social network account and let your friends see your 4shared updates!
4shared allows its users to share large files with their friends at the most popular social networks:
Share photos, music, videos, zipped files, text documents just in a click with 4shared!
Moreover, 4shared users can:
link their accounts with their social network accounts;
let their friends check their 4shared updates.
Media sharing becomes as easy as a pie with 4shared! Your uploaded files will gain great popularity
in a few minutes.
If all your social networks are connected to each other, you don’t have to put a link in each of them.
The same thing is with your 4shared account. If you update it, the information about updating appears
in every connected social network account.
Steven, 25 “
If I want to show my morning mood to friends, I upload the appropriate music to 4shared
and then share it with my Facebook friends.”
Silvio, 29 “
I share everything I need from 4shared with my Orkut friends in a click. If I want to share
images and let my friends download them in one gulp, I always upload them to 4shared.”