4shared Premium users are able to resume their downloads with such download managers, as FlashGet, ReGet
and GetRight. Free users can use torrents for this purpose.
When you download a song, video, game or other content from 4shared, the download might get interrupted
for a number of reasons. Use such download managers as FlashGet, ReGet or GetRight. These are multiple
connections download managers.
You are already a Premium User?
Here are several advantages of using download accelerators:
You can easily resume interrupted downloads anytime.
You can download from 4shared several files simultaneously.
You may pause and resume download.
You may recover from a dropped Internet connection.
You can schedule downloads.
If any accident happens, the next time you start the application, the process will go on.
Work with 4shared will be secure and with no Internet connection problems.
Free users can choose whether to download directly or with BitTorrent clients, however they can’t increase
their downloading speed. With 4shared you can be sure about excellent speed of your downloads!
Témoignages :
Mykel, 24 “
I often download a lot of files at the same time and need to pause some, so that other
could download quicker. 4shared lets using download managers, with which I can easily pause
and then resume downloading.”
Regina, 29 “
Once my cat spilled tea at my laptop when I was downloading video from our vacation. I
immediately switch it off and even didn’t stop the downloading from 4shared. Hopefully, I
was downloading with FlashGet and could easily resume the process after. That’s great that
4shared lets using download managers.”