You don’t need to think about writing for 4shared support team in time, because it works 24 hours
a day, 7 days per week.
How long should I wait for an answer from 4shared support team?
4shared support team works 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, so you’ll get your answer as
soon as possible (it depends on an amount of appeals they have in a moment).
Testimonianze :
Michael, 22 “
I couldn’t understand how to put a password on my folder at 4shared, wrote about that to
4shared support team and in an half an hour got detailed answer. The quickest answer from
support team I’ve ever got.”
Alfredo, 19 “
I was asking 4shared support team to recover my deleted files several times, because only
with 4shared could bring them back to life. Thank you, 4shared. ”