Multilevel file system at 4shared presupposes a treelike directory structure in the users’ accounts,
which makes it really convenient to copy or drag-and-drop any of them. Moreover, the users of 4shared
can create as many sub-folders in their main folder as they want. The number of folders that can be
nested is not limited. Manage your data stored at 4shared in the best possible way.
Moreover, you can:
Create as many new sub-folders as you need.
Separate folders.
Share particular files only.
Vary the sharing access levels.
Hizmetlerimiz İle İlgili Görüşler :
Karen, 25 “
I really love 4shared directory structure, where I can see main folders on the left and a
folder with which I work on the right.”
Simon, 45 “
That’s great! You don’t have to look for the place of destination of the folder that you’ve
already created. With 4shared I always know that, if I work with this folder, my newly
created one will be situated here.”