1. Online based
Open text files at 4shared without downloading, implement necessary changes, and save the updates. No
more boring actions, do everything in a double-click!
2. Collaborative
With 4shared, you can give to your friends access to your files and permission to implement necessary
changes. Edit your txt files online with 4shared!
3. Realtime
You can organize peer-reviewing with the help of this 4shared feature. One of the 4shared users gives
other users the access to his/her txt files. They can edit or write their comments exactly in that file.
Hizmetlerimiz İle İlgili Görüşler :
Daniel, 26 “
Earlier, when I remembered the mistake, I’ve made, in some of the uploaded documents, I
had to download the text file and then upload the “updated version” back. With 4shared, I
do everything online. Thanks, 4shared.”
Monica, 23 “
I often upload my French essays to 4shared and then share them with my friends. That’s so
comfortable, when they write their thoughts and corrections just near the mistakes or a
fragment, which needs revising. It’s a great way to study!”