You want to download a pc game directly and without torrents?
You want to find direct download music?
If the answer to these questions is YES you have to use 4shared Premium. It provides direct links for everyone.
You can send such links to friends. This feature makes your files easy to download by all people, who have verified 4shared accounts and are logged in them.
The code also can be useful when you want to put a link for direct downloading of a file right from your source (site, blog, etc).
Download with direct links
E-mail them to your friends
Feel the convenience of direct downloading at 4shared
Free direct downloading for Premium users is a real advantage of 4shared, because it doesn’t require any additional software,
downloading starts right after you click on the link or Download button.
Témoignages :
Steven,33 “
I always use download managers and that’s great the 4shared offers links for direct downloading
of every file.That helps much for the management of the downloading process of your files.”
Emma, 24 “
Free direct downloads and embed codes to every file are the great advantage offered by
4shared. I upload files to my 4shared account and with embed codes post them to my blog then.”