You want to know how many songs you uploaded? Enjoy 4shared statistics. Find statistics about upload
and download activities. Click “Statistics” section in the account settings.
Define accurate file statistics:
file size;
type of file;
upload date;
views number;
downloads number.
Also easily define:
How much free space is left at the account.
When the last download was made.
How many times the particular file has been already downloaded.
There’s no need to calculate the size of files and folders at your account, because 4shared counts everything for you.
Testimonianze :
Larry, 30 “
I use 4shared account to promote my music or simply to share interesting staff. Often check
web and file sharing statistics of my account to know what my friends and fans like.”
Thomas, 25 “
When I upload too much I often watch statistics to know how much is left. 4shared provides
me with plenty of free gigs but with their accountant too. Great thing!”