1. Get detailed statistics
With the Statistics option, available at every 4shared account, users can learn about last downloads,
and what files were the last ones to be downloaded. With this option, they can easily define the statistics
and ratings of files at their accounts.
2. Know how much free space is left
For free users, who are provided with 15 GB of free space, it’s important to know, how much free space
is left, so that they can use it according to their needs.
3. Most downloaded files
Statistics is especially important for those users, who want to make their accounts popular. With this
data available, they can define the rating of each file and then upload those files, which are most popular.
4. Arrange your account
File sharing statistics helps to manage your account more effectively. Know the limits, concerning your
account, and the possibilities, provided to you.
ประสบการณ์ที่น่าชื่นชม :
Larry, 30 “
I use 4shared account to promote my music or simply to share interesting staff. Often check
web and file sharing statistics of my account to know what my friends and fans like.”
Thomas, 25 “
When I upload too much I often watch statistics to know how much is left. 4shared provides
me with plenty of free gigs but with their accountant too. Great thing!”