Brand yourself on 4shared by creating your very own background. Be individual! Customizing your 4shared
background is one of the most high-impact visual changes you can make.
You need just three steps:
Go to “Settings”.
Choose “Background”.
Choose “Upload your own background” and upload a picture, a photo or a wallpaper.
Enjoy your new look.
Now your account looks really unique.
Besides users can promote their arts, photos, music, etc with 4shared. Together with customized background
users are provided with public profile feature within which they can encourage more fans to their
4shared account.
While customizing their accounts, users can also upload their profile photo, choose better design of
the account and write cool and cheerful greeting to all you fans and friends.
Maryline, 22 “
I really love 4shared’s customized backgrounds. I often change my background photos to
reflect my mood or simply to cheer up!”
Cathy, 34 “
I’m an artist and often upload as a backgrounds to my 4shared accounts my pictures which
makes my account really unique.”