This feature is really useful for people, who wish to promote their files and make them more popular
among other users of 4shared. If you’re just beginning your career in any field of the job market, 4shared
will be a helpful way to make people learn about your talents and skills quicker.
Definite and clear file description is a first step to make your files more searchable. That means that
more inquiries considering your files topic will get it at higher positions in search rating. The more
users view your files the more they estimate it and your rating is growing. Finally, you can gain fans
and promote your stuff and everything just with good file description.
Sometimes trifles are the most important thing to make the deal successful. Without clear and accurate
file description even files with the best content will be difficult to succeed.
Write good description to your files.
Edit it.
Make it clearer.
Watch how they increase in search ratings.
Rekomendacje :
Baron, 33 “
I’ve changed the description to my photos at 4shared, and have got a great number of orders
from people to make their photo sessions. Thanks to 4shared, I’m now earning much more.”
Ashley, 20 “
I’ve decided to change the descriptions to some of my short stories, stored at 4shared,
and because of that I have recently signed the contract with a publishing agency.”