1. Back up with 4shared
Uploading files to 4shared you can expect that you’ll access them anywhere anytime after and that all
your files will stay safe. 4shared online data backup provides you with one of the best online backup
2. Back up with 4Sync
With 4shared Sync you’ll back up files just after adding them to your ‘My 4shared’ folder. Just wait a
few minutes and all your files will be uploaded to your 4shared account. Working within “My 4shared
folder” if you 4shared Sync installed automatically backs up your files and folders.
3. Back + synchronize
After installation of 4shared Sync application you can expect that your files will be not only backed
up, but also synchronized between different computers or devices.
4. Premium backup
Premium 4shared users can expect even their deleted files being backed up. So, they cannot worry about
the safety of their files.
Kesaksian :
Helen, 22 “
If I need some of files stay totally safe I upload them to 4shared. Crashed computers,
forgotten USB-memory cards, viruses nothing can hurt my files there.”
Barry, 43 “
I am running my own deal and safety of my documents is one of the most necessary points if
I choose where to save them. That’s why I back up them at 4shared.”