How long did you search for an image or pdf file? it took you some time, didn't it? 4shared allows its
users to save time on searches. There are advanced search options at 4shared within which you can look
for files.
You can specify such advanced search options:
file type;
time of upload.
Simplify your search with the preview option. Preview images and PDF files even without opening them
at 4shared. We will help you to exclude trash from your search. You also can pick a slide show preview
option for photos. Just sit and get pleasure of viewing.
It’s so easy to facilitate your search at 4shared just choosing thumbnails option of files view.
Testimonios :
Clark,19 “
When I’m looking for images at 4shared, I always choose “Thumbnails” mode of search. Within
this option I find necessary images in a moment.”
Emma, 23 “
Sometimes I choose slide show preview of photos at 4shared. It’s funny! I often come
across exclusive images!”