Although all Free 4shared users are enabled to use a great number of new features and functions. Premium
membership at 4shared presupposes additional benefits, among which is sharing with no ad.
Premium account is perfect for you if:
you prefer to concentrate on the core points of activity;
you don’t want to be distracted by ads while using file-sharing services.
With no ads it’s definitely simpler and faster to share any files, like photos, music, videos, etc. You
save your time if you have upgraded to Premium at 4shared.
The no advertisement policy for all 4shared Premium users is one of the benefits available for loyal
and devoted users.
: توصیه ها
Liz, 32 “
I use my 4shared account to promote my paintings, so absence of advertising is very important.
My fans admire my account, because there’s no advertising here. Besides, the Premium account
gives me a lot of useful an important features too, except for ad-free sharing!”
Mike, 29 “
I’ve bought Premium account, because I needed much space for backing up my files, but the
absence of advertising in Premium accounts is a real advantage.”