Feel the convenience of free 4shared app for Symbian. Install 4shared Mobile to share, upload, download
and manage your files for free directly from your phone!
4shared Mobile for Symbian is a user-friendly mobile app.
Directly from your phone you can:
مشاركة ملف.
It works the same as with 4shared Mobile apps for Blackberry or Android, for example.
It’s also simple to manage the files and folders at your 4shared account, download and watch video or
listen to music right on your phone with 4shared Mobile for Symbian, wherever you are at the very
4shared Mobile application is a free Symbian software. It’s possible to manage your 4shared account
simultaneously. Moreover, we provide various search options for users. It’s easy to search files by file
types or by size of the file, for instance.
Guntur, 25 “
I installed 4shared Mobile for Symbian on my phone when started using 4shared. Being a DJ
I got acquainted with to DJs from Brazil and we were exchanging our music at 4shared and I
wanted to get their music asap. I uploaded their music, listened it and in a minute answered.
That was really convenient.”
Kade, 23 “
After I lost my phone I started backing up my contacts. Installation of 4shared Mobile for
Symbian app made this procedure much easier.”