Our desktop application facilitate quick file system access and instant content synchronization.
That’s very easy to manage your web-account at
account with 4shared Desktop. All you need is to click on the icon to browse the contents of your account.
It’s also simple to manage any of your files and folders at 4shared.
Using this 4shared app you can:
- create new folders and subfolders;
- copy files or folders;
- move files or folders;
- rename files or folders;
- delete files or folders;
- download or upload files.
One of the essential advantages of 4shared Desktop application is related to users’ ability to upload
and download multiple files simultaneously in a much more convenient way, if compared to file upload
at your 4shared web-account.
Moreover, 4shared Desktop app enables you to access your 4shared account without opening any web-browser,
so all your files and folders can be managed quickly and effortlessly. In addition to that, this 4shared
application is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, Linux and Mac OS, so your
data, stored at 4shared, is always accessible to you.